Some people believe that they have a great life or will have a great life only when they succeed and that success is the only thing that defines their life status. Well they are completely wrong, life is not just about success it is also about failure. A person who never fails in anything can never be a leader and can never be a pioneer in anything because he wasn't taught to deal with problems, to feel defeated and to learn to get back up on his feet, to know that a failure is only a way to decrease the number of doors you must check to reach success. When you fail you learn a very important lesson, Modesty and that you are a human being. If your life is all about success then a new person is born within you , but it is not a person or a quality it is rather a monster that feeds on every success you make and grow to become that big enormous ego that can never fill his thirst or end his hunger. When you fail, you learn that no one is above all people and that every...
Many woman nowadays prefer to have a career rather than to have a family and many of the woman who have a family regret not pushing in their career hard enough and regret becoming a house wife and not becoming a working wife. Never the less the big question always puts itself , can women do both with a good and fair share for every part? can a woman be able to work in a standard Egyptian environment of work and at the same time be able to have a family and care for that family including children and not missing the important stuff in her children life like their first words the first time they walk their sports events, their happy moments and sad moments and being able to tell what they like and hate and what they want without saying and to feel their need when they look at her ... All this can it actually be done for a career thriving woman??? Many men believe that the woman's place is home and not work and this is her sacred duty to raise the children to be a healthy good ...