Little over a year now did Hazem Salah Abu Ismael , an Egyptian lawyer who decided that he should put himself in the race for the presidency after the revolution of 25th of January and the Removal of the Tyrant Mubarak and his Regime or the so Called Removal of Mubarak Tyrant Regime which still controls many aspects of this countries resources and plan incidents like the port-said massacre and the Diesel and Fuel Shortage problem that has be increasing for two months now. Hazem Salah Abu Ismael was all over the media for the past year advertising for his own presidency program which many of the Islamist Political view Egyptian citizens agree on but are ready to die for establishing it and they say that without it Egypt will die and there will be no turning back from that and that the revolution will be ignited again if Abu Ismael was by some any means eliminated from the Presidency race like what was done for the past 10 days of the allegation that his mother carr...
"Don't Just Try to Make A Change , Be The Change"