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Hazem Salah Abu Ismael

Little over a year now did Hazem Salah Abu Ismael , an Egyptian lawyer who decided that he should put himself in the race for the presidency after the revolution of 25th of January and the Removal of the Tyrant Mubarak and his Regime or the so Called Removal of Mubarak Tyrant Regime which still controls many aspects of this countries resources and plan incidents like the port-said massacre and the Diesel and Fuel Shortage problem that has be increasing for two months now.

Hazem Salah Abu Ismael was all over the media for the past year advertising for his own presidency program which many of the Islamist Political view Egyptian citizens agree on but are ready to die for establishing it and they say that without it Egypt will die and there will be no turning back from that and that the revolution will be ignited again if Abu Ismael was by some any means eliminated from the Presidency race like what was done for the past 10 days of the allegation that his mother carried an american passport and that due to that fact she had the ability to vote in any USA official elections which made her an american citizen which contradicts with the rules for eligibility of an Egyptian presidential candidate.

Nevertheless Abu Isamel for the last 8 days have been fighting the media and confirming that his mother never carried an american passport and that she only carried an american green card which doesn't violate the rules for his eligibility for being a presidential candidate ; during the last 8 days the following happened:-

1) The Egyptian State department sent an official mail to the American State Department for questioning about Abu Ismael's mother ,Mrs Nawal Abdel Aziz Abdel Azizi Nour  whether or not she is an american citizen and the answer came back with " Yes Mrs Nawal Abdel Aziz Abdel Aziz Nour is an american citizen"

2) The USA governmental Website of elections of California state was used by many people by entering the name , birthdate and address of Abu Ismael's mother in the USA and it came up she  had the right to vote and many ask how can someone dead vote... and the answer is simple ....Mrs Nawal died in Egypt and was buried and the certificate of death came up from the Egyptian governmental office not the American one so as far as the US government knows she is still alive in their eyes and records and won't say expect that unless a death certificate was sent the USA or the US government was informed.

3) The Saudi Arabian government and I think they are not an enemy for Abu Ismael as many will say anything from the american can be a lie, informed the Egyptian government that Mrs Nawal entered Saudi Arabia with an american passport 6 years ago .

4) The Heads of the Presidential committee confirmed on media that information too and that his mother is an american

on 10/4 Abu Ismael won a case in court obliging the Ministry of Interior to deliver him a paper confirming his mother is Egyptian only and has no other citizenship and he will hand this document to the presidential committee

The Question is .....Will the Presidential committee run the court order and let Abu Ismael continue his campaign ? or will they refuse taking into consideration that their judgement cannot be questioned in court according to the Constitution Declaration subject 28 which all Islamic parties agree that the constitution shouldn't be done first so that they can overtake the whole committee and do the constitution their own way which is now threatened by a court order to disband the committee the Islamic party arranged to write the constitution .

The Strange thing about many of Abu Ismael's supporters and NOT ALL of them ofcourse is that they are willing to DIE or KILL if Abu Ismael was removed from presidential race and that they and Abu Ismael himself showed a very aggressive tone and statements that show that it is either you let me or it will be war.....and my only question will be....if for some reason Abu Ismael was removed from the race and let's say in unfair way pursuing the dream that you become president so that from your understanding that you are the only capable one to run the country worth one single blood droplet that falls from any Egyptian ..........Is it really worth a civil war between Egyptians on the streets and in between people at the same city , town , village , home....

The Islam is not Abu Ismael and he is only a man and he does mistakes and he can be right or wrong ......

if we failed to believe that ...WE ARE DOOMED....Egypt is Doomed..

My last message is for Abu Ismael .....Mr Hazem ....I respected you a lot when I started to see in you that you want to help your country but please beware that Politics is a Dirty game if you are willing to put your hands in the mud and sacrifice some peoples future in order make yours Then you are by far not better than Mubarak.....  but if you are really sincere in what you say and you can make this country a better place and push it forward and put the Egyptian people's intrest above your own and your supporters own as not all Egypt are your supporters and even if your supporters are a majority then the minority must be treated fair as well......then I will stand beside you and behind you and help you build the Egypt we all Dream of....

Seif Abdelghany


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