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The Voice of the GUC students

Long ago since the university have been established  students have suffered from problems academically and socially including the organization of events and arranging it with university administrations and students seek along road to solve these problems and somehow be able to reach their objectives plus academic problems related to courses 

The most important aspect is the academic problems lying in unorganized course In a way in which their is no linkage between the lecture and the tutorial that the professor is explaining something  and that the TA. Is explaining something else . Also the problem of having unskilled TAs in a course in which students suffer from attending with him/her so he or she end up attending with the best TA in the course and suffer from the attendance issue is that he or she has to attend in their own tutorial or they will get no attendance which present the fact the there is no fairness fos someudents which raises the question about the criteria of choosing the TAs. Such problems students suffer from with no solution at all and they try talking with the professor and sometime there is no solution and the student end up attending two tutorials in more than one subject just to understand or try and study alone which pressure him into doing extra effort that prevent him from practicing his normal social life because as we all know the workload at the GUC is already huge alone .... So what about it attending twice the tutorials to understand or studying alone.

Academic problems also include the linkage between different courses which are based on each other's and the fact that the professors of both subject must organize with each other to reach the best outcome for the students. 

Exam problems are the most common problems including the midterm and final exams ... Such problems cause some students to lose grades affecting their GPA.

Some other problems which includes AWGs problems or non-study related problem can be hard to solve and may need more help.

If you believe that such problems exist and need to be solved . We can try to help you ... This is the page on facebook. We will try to help you and make sure your voice is heard.

We will coordinate with professors and TAs so that the problems reach them in time and take action to the benefit of the students.

This is. Step we are taking to improve the environment for all students to satisfy their academic and social needs.


  1. This will be the survey page for the Engineering Academic issues to be submitted
    This is the Survey for the academic problems in engineering

    if you have a problem please use this survey.

    this is the page managing the survey


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